Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I had one other blog but it was messed up and I didn't know how to fix it so I just created a new one. So today Brianna crawled! I love it! It is great for her because she gets to explore and learn and do things for herself. Even though this means she can get to things that she shouldn't. I guess it helps me to be cleaner! Miranda loves to help her and to encourage her to do it. Miranda is such a sweet big sister. I always heard of how the older siblings are mean and selfish and jealous, but Miranda is sweet and caring. Every morning when Miranda wakes up she comes to Brianna and says in a high voice "Good morning Brianna! How are you? You are so cute." It is so sweet. She always wants to get her a blanket and diapers/wipes and some toys to play with. She loves her. Brianna is always looking for Miranda.

Brianna is 8 months now and time has flown by. She says "ma ma" with her tongue sticking out! haha She is crawling slowly.

She refuses to drink any type of bottle or sippy cup. She will kind of eat baby food and finger foods but she really doesn't like anything but mama. I will keep trying. Miranda just turned 3 on Sunday! She had a cake and we sang Happy Birthday to her. She wished for some cake. haha We celebrated her Birthday a couple of weeks before her Birthday with her cousin Linnea who turned 4. It was a "Tangled" theme. She sings the rhyme to heal to me all the time. So cute! Miranda loves to color and she does very well at it. She also likes to dance and is good at that too. She has gotten into Barbies now and makes up stories and pretend life. I can't believe I have a 3 year old! crazy! I love having Miranda around. She is so fun and entertaining!

Miguel and I were both sick with something yesterday and it took a toll on us. We had fevers and it was crazy weird and then we woke up and we both feel fine. Weird stuff I tell you!

So I have been thinking of things I want to get into or accomplish and a few things have crossed my mind. First I hate cooking and I want to change that so what better way than to make it into something fun. So I want to try different things to cook that look nice and pretty but also taste delicious. Second I really want to get into reading because I used to love it and I haven't done it in a while so I want to read some classics and some others to expand my knowledge. Third I really want to start running. I love running. I used to do it and it felt so good and then I stopped and used pregnancy as an excuse. So I really want to start running. But I need to find some good shoes and a partner would be nice! :) But those are some things I really want to do and I will see how it all goes and turns out. thanks for following along!

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